I was doing some surfing and noticed that Answers in Genesis has done some really great videos for the account of creation. Check out their page HERE!
There is a series of videos about the 6 literal days of creation. One thing I like is the forthrightness of AG and how they take on the tough questions and give even tougher answers to those who wish to believe that we are all just a superior animal instead of a specifically designed creation by a loving and gracious God.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!

It is with great joy that I come to say to you and yours, Merry Christmas! This is a time of celebration as we think and ponder upon the greatness of our God's design and plan. A child, a son, an innocent participant in an eternal plan was granted to us as God's demonstration of love, compassion, and desired restoration. He, Who did not sin, was willing to send One, His Son, the spotless and perfect One, to become sin for us.
Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. We behold the ornaments, the lights, the sounds, and the smells of this season. For those of us in the north country (and for some even in our southern states) snow falls and conditions become cold, but the beauty of the pristine brightness and the even the crispness of the cold air stimulates us to look up and behold the grand design of our God.
As carols play, cantatas are sung, and the nativity scenes come alive all around us,

God bless each and every one of you! Merry Christmas and may the year to come be one of hope and joy as we anticipate the next major event on our God's calendar, the coming or our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
This thing called "Ministry" (Part 3)
I began something I intend to finish it! Several weeks ago I mentioned that I wanted to evaluate what "ministry" is through the book of 1 Corinthians and as we see Paul flesh it out. (Part 1 and Part 2) So let me progress into a third passage in 1 Corinthians.
To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children. For if you were to have countless tutors in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me.
(1 Corinthians 4:11-16)
Paul is not complaining, neither is he hinting that this is the lifestyle that these Corinthian believers must adhere to. What he is addressing is the contrast to their attitude of superiority. They have become "puffed up" and filled with knowledge to the point of having big heads in spiritual matters. They are filled with pride and arrogance and so much so that they are forgetting their heritage. Paul is their "spiritual father."
There are two sides to this that I see in a very non-commentary fashion. Paul warns them of arrogance and forgetfulness. He warns them of the dangers of lauding themselves as being better or more spiritual by having all these gifts and abilities. Paul is still dealing with them as babes in Christ and even as "carnal." (3:1) He is doing his duty as their "father" to alert them to their failures.
That leads me to see the second aspect. Paul's ministry included correction and "big head popping." He wanted to bring them down to see that life is about ministry and loving your fellow believers. As we saw earlier in vs. 1-2, Paul was a minister, a servant, a slave of God's vocational calling. He was a steward of the mysteries of God's magnificent Gospel. Paul is alerting his "spiritual children" of their duty to serve.
But note v. 16 - "Be imitators of me." Wow! Can I honestly call my people up and say, "Hey, by the way, if you have a problem or need to figure out how you should be living this Christian life, then just do it as I do!" I don't think so. But as a minister of the gospel and as a pastor, teacher, and steward of God's truth, I should strive to be so.
How are we doing, "MINISTERS?" Are we an example, a servant, a leader by service rather than by demand? Are we encouraging right living by living right in front of our fellow believers? How about when they are not looking? We need to remember that this thing called ministry is.... become(ing) as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. (1 Corinthians 4:13)
Love your people! Serve your people! They are your "spiritual children." Be then a father to them and demonstrate the compassion that our loving heavenly Father has lavished upon them. Minister!
To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children. For if you were to have countless tutors in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me.
(1 Corinthians 4:11-16)
Paul is not complaining, neither is he hinting that this is the lifestyle that these Corinthian believers must adhere to. What he is addressing is the contrast to their attitude of superiority. They have become "puffed up" and filled with knowledge to the point of having big heads in spiritual matters. They are filled with pride and arrogance and so much so that they are forgetting their heritage. Paul is their "spiritual father."
There are two sides to this that I see in a very non-commentary fashion. Paul warns them of arrogance and forgetfulness. He warns them of the dangers of lauding themselves as being better or more spiritual by having all these gifts and abilities. Paul is still dealing with them as babes in Christ and even as "carnal." (3:1) He is doing his duty as their "father" to alert them to their failures.
That leads me to see the second aspect. Paul's ministry included correction and "big head popping." He wanted to bring them down to see that life is about ministry and loving your fellow believers. As we saw earlier in vs. 1-2, Paul was a minister, a servant, a slave of God's vocational calling. He was a steward of the mysteries of God's magnificent Gospel. Paul is alerting his "spiritual children" of their duty to serve.

But note v. 16 - "Be imitators of me." Wow! Can I honestly call my people up and say, "Hey, by the way, if you have a problem or need to figure out how you should be living this Christian life, then just do it as I do!" I don't think so. But as a minister of the gospel and as a pastor, teacher, and steward of God's truth, I should strive to be so.
How are we doing, "MINISTERS?" Are we an example, a servant, a leader by service rather than by demand? Are we encouraging right living by living right in front of our fellow believers? How about when they are not looking? We need to remember that this thing called ministry is.... become(ing) as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now. (1 Corinthians 4:13)
Love your people! Serve your people! They are your "spiritual children." Be then a father to them and demonstrate the compassion that our loving heavenly Father has lavished upon them. Minister!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Giving "Thoughts"
It all starts with us just giving a thought. Thinking. Thanks is just a thought away, but how often do we truly stop and think about how blessed and how rich we truly are?
(1 Thessalonians 5:18) In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
(Psalms 147:1) Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is becoming.
May the days ahead bring moments of pause. May we realize the time is right for us to give thanks and to offer praise unto our God. I am grateful for the family that God has so richly blessed me with, and the opportunities I have to see life with them daily. I am thankful for the friends that God brings into my life to challenge me, build me, and encourage me. I am so blessed to have a purpose in my life and to be in this vocation to which God has called me. I am thankful for those in my church that I get the great opportunity to share my worship with and God's precious Word. I am a blessed man!
My prayer is that we might not be that generation that is thankless and ungrateful. I pray that we would truly give a thought to our thanks. Think about what you have to be thankful for and praise the One from whom all blessings flow.
(Ephesians 3:20, 21) Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
He does more than we can even imagine. He is more than we can imagine. So, in those things of life that we actually do observe let us then not be remiss to thank Him, and as well, for the things beyond our comprehension. Give thanks! Think about it. Give thought to a thankful heart and a thankful word.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18) In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
(Psalms 147:1) Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is becoming.

My prayer is that we might not be that generation that is thankless and ungrateful. I pray that we would truly give a thought to our thanks. Think about what you have to be thankful for and praise the One from whom all blessings flow.
(Ephesians 3:20, 21) Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
He does more than we can even imagine. He is more than we can imagine. So, in those things of life that we actually do observe let us then not be remiss to thank Him, and as well, for the things beyond our comprehension. Give thanks! Think about it. Give thought to a thankful heart and a thankful word.
Friday, November 21, 2008
An Interjection for the Global Trends Report
I wanted to inject this as I came across this today. Apparently the NIC has put out an intelligence report and they just finished their predictions for our status as America in the international community through to the year 2025. You really need to read some of the bullet points, especially pages iv,92, and 105. I tell you, we are getting closer to the Lord's return by the minute! Keep looking up, Amen! Click on the hyperlink above or go to the following if your computer has trouble:
See it through the eyes of one who knows that Christ is returning and that the book of revelation reveals a weakening of countries and a unifying of nations. Notice how Russia and China are gaining power and that the US is weakening in the realm of international dominance. So much is happening and the time is drawing near.
I just wonder if we as Christians will be ready and willing to count the cost as our "intolerant" approach to international policies will be questioned and brought to bear in political, judicial, and civil settings? We are truly seeing the Global Trends fulfill a God given revelation.
See it through the eyes of one who knows that Christ is returning and that the book of revelation reveals a weakening of countries and a unifying of nations. Notice how Russia and China are gaining power and that the US is weakening in the realm of international dominance. So much is happening and the time is drawing near.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This thing called "Ministry" (Part 2)
Last week I began a thought that came to my mind one day while sitting here in my office and thinking, "What is this thing called Ministry?" I know what I think it is and after being involved with ministry for nearly all of my life, I guess I can imagine it, but what do we find in Scripture? So, as I was reading through 1 Corinthians I came across some things that stuck out to me regarding "This thing called Ministry."
In 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 Paul makes this statement:
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy. (NASB)
The King James translates the word "servants" here as "ministers" in verse one. The word "faithful" in verse 2 of the KJV is here translated "trustworthy." As servants/ministers, we have been given some great responsibilities. Paul notes a few of these.
First he speaks of the mysteries of God. The things that God has revealed and
disclosed to the world. The means of this disclosure in now understood primarily as through His Word. We have been given stewardship, guardianship, or custody for safe keeping and proliferation of these mysteries.
Then Paul goes further to announce a characteristic of these stewards, trustworthy/faithful. So, what is this thing called ministry? It is stewardship of the mysteries of God as faithful and trustworthy in character.
How are we doing today? As I see it many are sacrificing the integrity and richness of God's revelation on the alter of self preservation or self proliferation. They are blinding their people to the fullness of God's Word in order to embellish their program models and marketing tactics. Many pastors have become enamored more with building the castle walls than establishing truth as its foundation. They are doing away with honest exploration in exchange for the pragmatic and modernistic approach to the mysteries of God.
I have a duty that Paul later explains more fully to another minster of the Gospel, Timothy.
You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
(2 Timothy 3:14-4:4)
This thing called ministry is me guarding against the temptation of my humanity to be liked and applauded rather than being honest and truthful. It is to be a steward of that truth, to proclaim it as truth, and not to mingle it with acceptable rhetoric. It is my duty as a minister of the truth to stand for it and uphold it. I don't necessarily have to defend it, but I do need to proclaim it and stand upon it. I am its steward! I am the one responsible to teach it and commit it to other faithful men. It is part of my calling, part of my duty, and part of my responsibility as a Minister in this thing called Ministry.
Don't get caught in the trap of excusing the Bible or placating it to a realm of anemic potency. Faithfully proclaim it from your pulpit and live it before your audience. Don't make up justification for your lack of study or preparation to tackle the tough questions or deal with the difficult issues. It is your job to minister the mysteries. Take it serious and own up to your vocation. Be the proclaimer, the preacher, the mouthpiece God has called you to be.
In 1 Corinthians 4:1, 2 Paul makes this statement:
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy. (NASB)
The King James translates the word "servants" here as "ministers" in verse one. The word "faithful" in verse 2 of the KJV is here translated "trustworthy." As servants/ministers, we have been given some great responsibilities. Paul notes a few of these.
First he speaks of the mysteries of God. The things that God has revealed and

Then Paul goes further to announce a characteristic of these stewards, trustworthy/faithful. So, what is this thing called ministry? It is stewardship of the mysteries of God as faithful and trustworthy in character.
How are we doing today? As I see it many are sacrificing the integrity and richness of God's revelation on the alter of self preservation or self proliferation. They are blinding their people to the fullness of God's Word in order to embellish their program models and marketing tactics. Many pastors have become enamored more with building the castle walls than establishing truth as its foundation. They are doing away with honest exploration in exchange for the pragmatic and modernistic approach to the mysteries of God.
I have a duty that Paul later explains more fully to another minster of the Gospel, Timothy.
You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
(2 Timothy 3:14-4:4)

Don't get caught in the trap of excusing the Bible or placating it to a realm of anemic potency. Faithfully proclaim it from your pulpit and live it before your audience. Don't make up justification for your lack of study or preparation to tackle the tough questions or deal with the difficult issues. It is your job to minister the mysteries. Take it serious and own up to your vocation. Be the proclaimer, the preacher, the mouthpiece God has called you to be.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This thing called "Ministry"
Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Recently I was again going through the book of 1 Corinthians in my personal time with God. As I came to this book I was somehow struck by the idea of what Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:12, where Paul writes, "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;".
Could Paul actually be glad that He was in the ministry and having to write the kind of book he wrote to such a church as he found in Corinth? So I began to go back through the book and take note of how Paul "ministered." What areas Paul used "ministry." Asking myself, "What is this thing called 'ministry?'" Now, there are many things I have probably missed and I am not intending this to become a novel or exercise in some great spiritual study, but it is a bit interesting to pick out some things and I hope you will continue to see what Scripture alludes to as the "ministry" to which Christ has called us.
The first passage of note to me was found in 1 Corinthians 3:9-10, "For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. (10) According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it."
Paul points out that our ministry is one of co-laboring and establishment of the foundation of Christ. Remember Paul is dealing with a schism that is threatening the church. The issue revolved around clicks.
"I am of Apollos!"
"Well, I am of Paul."
"Humph, I am of Cephas!"
"You are just not as spiritual as I for I am of Christ!"
Paul reminds his readers that each of these men that they are looking to, even Christ Himself, is co-laboring for the cause. The challenge I received from this as a "co-laborer" is that my competition is not with those men who are working in God's field, but with the one who wants to destroy the souls of man, the devil.
The church is God's building, the field where He wishes to establish His church and the tower of truth for the world to see Christ. We are working together in this "ministry" that God has so graciously called us to so that construction and not destruction can take place. Ministry is not competition but participation.
One disclaimer here that I guess needs to be added is that I do not believe in an ecumenical approach however. For the foundation must be sure and if our Gospel is hid it is hid to those that are lost. I will not align with those who wish to change or distort the foundation, Christ. I will work, however, with any man who wishes to hold to the integrity of truth and the validity of God's inerrant Word.
Let's not forget that this thing called ministry is one of cooperation. In my first ministry I felt the strain of competition. With "good" churches all around you the sense of being a sheep stealer or a member grabber was always pervasive. You knew that if one of your members had an issue they could just show up at "Brother So-n-So's" church next Sunday and you were none the wiser. Churches merely rotated members and pastors neither sought nor encouraged restoration or resolution before accepting those strays. We are co-laborers. Since coming to Madison, I have had the great opportunity to meet some men who are striving to start and build churches in and around this city. It has been great to hear how they are seeking ways to promote all the churches that preach the Gospel in this town. God will increase our fold as we demonstrate a working love for the body of Christ. When we realize that God has each one of us with strengths and abilities that will reach some while another church across town perhaps will be better equipped to reach others. One sows, another waters, and perhaps we will have opportunity to even see the reaping, but ultimately it is God that brings the increase.
This thing called ministry is the body of Christ working as a body to accomplish locally and collectively what God has left us here to do. May God teach us to stand together and accomplish more together by praying for one another, encouraging one another, and promoting one another. Let's quit being on the defensive or offensive amongst our own, but let's stand against the one who truly wants to hinder and destroy our ministries, satan!
Recently I was again going through the book of 1 Corinthians in my personal time with God. As I came to this book I was somehow struck by the idea of what Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:12, where Paul writes, "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;".
Could Paul actually be glad that He was in the ministry and having to write the kind of book he wrote to such a church as he found in Corinth? So I began to go back through the book and take note of how Paul "ministered." What areas Paul used "ministry." Asking myself, "What is this thing called 'ministry?'" Now, there are many things I have probably missed and I am not intending this to become a novel or exercise in some great spiritual study, but it is a bit interesting to pick out some things and I hope you will continue to see what Scripture alludes to as the "ministry" to which Christ has called us.
The first passage of note to me was found in 1 Corinthians 3:9-10, "For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. (10) According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it."
Paul points out that our ministry is one of co-laboring and establishment of the foundation of Christ. Remember Paul is dealing with a schism that is threatening the church. The issue revolved around clicks.
"I am of Apollos!"
"Well, I am of Paul."
"Humph, I am of Cephas!"
"You are just not as spiritual as I for I am of Christ!"

Paul reminds his readers that each of these men that they are looking to, even Christ Himself, is co-laboring for the cause. The challenge I received from this as a "co-laborer" is that my competition is not with those men who are working in God's field, but with the one who wants to destroy the souls of man, the devil.
The church is God's building, the field where He wishes to establish His church and the tower of truth for the world to see Christ. We are working together in this "ministry" that God has so graciously called us to so that construction and not destruction can take place. Ministry is not competition but participation.
One disclaimer here that I guess needs to be added is that I do not believe in an ecumenical approach however. For the foundation must be sure and if our Gospel is hid it is hid to those that are lost. I will not align with those who wish to change or distort the foundation, Christ. I will work, however, with any man who wishes to hold to the integrity of truth and the validity of God's inerrant Word.
Let's not forget that this thing called ministry is one of cooperation. In my first ministry I felt the strain of competition. With "good" churches all around you the sense of being a sheep stealer or a member grabber was always pervasive. You knew that if one of your members had an issue they could just show up at "Brother So-n-So's" church next Sunday and you were none the wiser. Churches merely rotated members and pastors neither sought nor encouraged restoration or resolution before accepting those strays. We are co-laborers. Since coming to Madison, I have had the great opportunity to meet some men who are striving to start and build churches in and around this city. It has been great to hear how they are seeking ways to promote all the churches that preach the Gospel in this town. God will increase our fold as we demonstrate a working love for the body of Christ. When we realize that God has each one of us with strengths and abilities that will reach some while another church across town perhaps will be better equipped to reach others. One sows, another waters, and perhaps we will have opportunity to even see the reaping, but ultimately it is God that brings the increase.
This thing called ministry is the body of Christ working as a body to accomplish locally and collectively what God has left us here to do. May God teach us to stand together and accomplish more together by praying for one another, encouraging one another, and promoting one another. Let's quit being on the defensive or offensive amongst our own, but let's stand against the one who truly wants to hinder and destroy our ministries, satan!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Majority Wins!

Today we awake to the strange awareness that our country was not the same as it was last night. News has filled the air waves that our country has elected, chosen, and empowered its next Executive, Commander-in-Chief, and Leader of the "Free World." But somehow, in a corner of my mind and heart, I wonder if somehow we are getting a glimpse of the beginning of ends.
I am not a doomsday specialist, nor am I a poor looser. I am aware, however, that Christ is going to be returning. He is going to come back to a world that Scripture alerts us to. The Bible makes us aware that these end times will see sin as overwhelming and acceptable. Nations will be at war, pestilence and famines will be heard of from places where it apparently was not accustomed. We know that a man, an individual will arise to capture the hearts, minds, and ideals of the world.
Now, I am not, again...I am not....saying that Barack Obama is the ONE, but it is amazing that he is being described as a child of the world, a person whose identity has excited Africa and Jakarta. Muslim nations and now our pantheistic, pluralistic, post-modernistic society have found him acceptable. If this man can do that, imagine what it will be like to see "that one" do the same.
My only concern right now is what will the next four years reveal? We are facing strong currents against morality, or as some of the talk show hosts call it, ideological stands. Homosexuality, Abortion, and even the definition of marriage have taken back seats because our greed, materialism and self-promotion caused us to face the consequences with depressing magnitudes.
So, we have spoken. As a nation, one that is ever evolving, we have spoken. We have declared our wishes. We want "change." But what is that change and what will it look like in four years?
As a pastor, husband, father, and mostly, as a Christian man, I know we are in for some dire straights. For the first time that I can remember, a group of people who have adopted a debauched lifestyle were singled out in an acceptance speech by the next president of our country. What group is next?
We have our work cut out for us. As a pastor in one of the most liberal cities in our union, I have my work cut out for me. I live in the belly of Babylon, Rome, and Corinth. But I also know that God did a work even in those cities. May we as His people, the ones HE chose, redeemed, and saved, may we stand firm upon the integrity and solidarity of the Truth... The Word of God! May we pray for our president. May we pray for these newly elected officials and "leaders." May we honor those in authority and not get caught up in blasting the men, but instead let us expose the corruption of sin and lead people to see that God does still have an opinion. May we uphold the truth not as daggers, but as light. May the Light of His glorious Gospel shine forth through our churches and homes even brighter today.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Death Before Time

We have some friends who are going through a tough time in their lives today. Warren Brokering, a man not much older than myself is in his last days of enduring the trial of colon cancer. His wife and three small children have been a real testimony of how God guides and nurtures His children in times that don't seem to make sense. Warren and I served for a brief time together in my first pastorate. He will be remembered as a man with great ability to see the humor in life and also as a man who could draw attention to His God. Pray for Tana and their three little ones. Pray that God would be glorified and honored in death as well as in life. The situation reminds me of Paul's words as he speaks with the Philippian believers and he says, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor: yet what I shall choose I wot not. For I am in a strait between two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:"
(Philippians 1:21-23)
Although Paul would continue to live for a time longer, the sentiment rings true. To live on this earth grants us time to express Christ with others. Our lives should be such a resemblance of His character, His grace, His conduct that those who touch us are more affected by the hand of God than by our mere human abilities. However, to die is no threat. It produces sorrow in the hearts of those we love and who truly love us, but it is a fleeting moment in the light of eternity. To die is gain. The gain of heaven, the repose of God's presence, the reality of sin removed and all of its horrible effects. My heart breaks for Tana and those children. My heart is also jealous of Warren. Not that anyone wants to face death in suffering as he has had to endure, but to be with Christ,the Savior, the hope of my eternal existence, my Lord, and my King. Warren, you are beating us to the reward! Amen!

Warren...till we meet again, my Brother!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Peace in Future Uncertainty

I still hold that this election is, in my humble opinion, the most important one that we have had in recent history. We face economic crisis, foreign crisis, social crisis, and religious crisis. On every front we find that our nation is being torn apart by greed, corruption, and immorality. From same sex marriages, to CEO embezzlement, we find our lives and the lives of our children hanging by fragile threads of sanity.
Now, the good news. (1 Timothy 1:17) Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. I note here that He is King, He is going to be given His glory and HE is eternally existent.
Again, Paul later goes on to say, "Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate, that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper time--He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen."
(1 Timothy 6:12-16)

Let the next president come. Let the next assault on truth be waged. May we continue to "fight that good fight." May we be ready soldiers. Not with weapons of earthly warfare, but as individuals enduring the hardness, praying steadfastly, encouraging the beloved, and standing for what is Right, what is Righteous.
Friday, October 3, 2008
The New Dollar Bill

As we go through this "crisis" in our economy I am very quickly reminded that our attention is not to be drawn away to the building of our financial empire, but to the building of God's domain. Seek first, my God shall, Let not your heart be troubled, etc. So many times we are reminded that God is ultimately in control and as we invest, we invest in things that will last for eternity. Let's establish the resources of God as coming from God and not from Wall Street or from the Federal Government, or even from our own divination.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
More on Fireproof
Thought it was really neat to hear some comments by Kirk Cameron. Check it out and go see the movie!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Colliding with Evolution
One interesting point that I wish to bring out of this little video clip is that mankind can't help but bring God and His work of creation into the language. Even the names that the speaker uses to identify some components of the experiment deal with the "creation" of life, and the "face of God." Why is it that man can use God as a trading stamp, but can't seal the truth of God's Word in their hearts?
Obviously we know one reason is that the god (little "g") of this world has blinded their eyes. So true of science today. They only see what they are looking for, not for what is there. They cram the truth into the fallacy of their so called creative genius and come to conclusions before the studies have begun. How dangerous to preconclude the beginning of life when only God was there!
Obviously we know one reason is that the god (little "g") of this world has blinded their eyes. So true of science today. They only see what they are looking for, not for what is there. They cram the truth into the fallacy of their so called creative genius and come to conclusions before the studies have begun. How dangerous to preconclude the beginning of life when only God was there!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Creation and Science to Collide
The Large Hadron Collider, located in Geneva, Switzerland, will be switched on this Wednesday (tomorrow)! I have given this YouTube clip that attempts to explain what it is that scientists are looking for and will be hoping to recreate. Check it out. Interesting the mindset going into it and the "assumed" results they will look to find. I'll be interacting with this at least once more at a later date.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Meddling with Politics
I try not to get to overwhelmed with the political sphere, but this election is, in my estimation, one of the most important ones we have had in my lifetime. Here is an article I found interesting about the "faith" of Barack Obama. In all fairness I am also going to attempt to find something as well about the other candidate, John S. McCain. Food for thought as faith and religion have become a focal point of this year's election race.

Obama: Grew up with "the Bible and the Koran" - Believes Many Paths Lead to God
Source: Editors at Lighthouse Trails
The Faith of Barack Obama
The Faith of Barack Obama written by New York Times best-selling author Stephen Mansfield was released in August by Thomas Nelson publishers. The book carries the endorsement of Archbishop Desmond Tutu on the front cover. Tutu, one of the global "Elders," calls the book "perceptive and well-written." The publisher's description of the book reads:
. . . takes readers inside the mind, heart, and soul of presidential hopeful Barack Obama--as a person of faith, as a man, as an American, and possibly as our future commander in chief.
Mansfield, says: "If a man's faith is sincere, it is the most important thing about him, and it is impossible to understand who he is and how he will lead without first understanding the religious vision that informs his life."
According to Mansfield, Obama is "raising the banner of what he hopes will be the faith-based politics of a new generation . . . and he will carry that banner to whatever heights of power his God and the American people allow."
Recently, when Obama was interviewed by Rick Warren, Obama told Warren that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. Yet this "banner" Obama raises is one that has an interspiritual foundation, representing a new kind of "Christianity," one that looks more like Brian McLaren's spirituality than traditional, biblical Christianity.
Mansfield's book addresses the concern many have that Obama may be a closet Muslim, but he dismisses the possibility in the book, saying he was too young to be a "full convert to Islam"(p. 18). But what emerges from this book is a man who is New Age in philosophy, believing that all religions are legitimate paths to God, and all humanity is connected together (spiritually speaking - i.e., God is in all):
Obama does clearly believe that the form of Christianity that he committed to at Trinity Church in 1985 is not the only path to God. "I am rooted in the Christian tradition," he has said. Nevertheless he asserts, "I believe there are many paths to the same place and that is a belief there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." He first saw his broad embrace of faith modeled by his mother. "In our household," he has explained, "The Bible, [t]he Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf . . . on Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to a church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites." (p.55 of Mansfield's book, quoting from Audacity of Hope, Obama, p. 203).
After his interspiritually-based upbringing, Obama later spent twenty years in a church, which promotes the panenthestic (God in all), interspiritual approach. In a 2006 article in United Church News, Obama stated that the teachings of the UCC (United Church of Christ), of which he was a member (Trinity United Church of Christ) until recently, are "foundation stones for his political work." Just what are those "teachings" comprised of? On Trinity's website, on the Yoga page, the following statement is highlighted:
Within each [of] us is the seed of Divinity. Each Soul is divine. I bow to the divinity in us all!
This is classic Hinduism that teaches that divinity resides in every human being. It is also the message of the New Age movement--man's divinity!
In Obama's own autobiography, Audacity of Hope, he calls himself a "progressive" (i.e., emerging or postmodern) and says: "We need to take faith seriously not simply to block the religious right but to engage all persons of faith in the larger project of American renewal" (p. 216). Echoing the sentiments of Rick Warren (a close friend of Obama, says Warren), he clarifies that partnerships between "religious and secular" will have to be built, and "each side will need to accept some ground rules for collaboration" (p. 216). He adds:
Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers. (p. 218)
Obama insists that to base national "policy" on biblical truths "would be a dangerous thing" to do (p. 220).
There is one sentence in Audacity of Hope that sums up Barack Obama's spirituality. He states:
When I read the Bible, I do so with the belief that it is not a static (stable) text but the Living Word and that I must be continually open to new revelations.(p. 224)
In other words, just as Tony Jones said in his book The New Christians, and just as other emergents consistently say, the truths in the written Word of God, the Bible, are not unchanging and cannot be looked upon as stable or immoveable. "New revelations" can bring about new "truths" . . . truth is fluid.
To be interspiritual (all paths lead to God), to be panentheistic (divinity is in all), to reject God's Word, and to embrace mysticism is to be what Alice Bailey called a rejuvenated Christian, who is one who follows "another gospel" and "another Jesus" (II Corinthians 11:4).
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
For more information go to Lighthouse Trail Research

Obama: Grew up with "the Bible and the Koran" - Believes Many Paths Lead to God
Source: Editors at Lighthouse Trails
The Faith of Barack Obama
The Faith of Barack Obama written by New York Times best-selling author Stephen Mansfield was released in August by Thomas Nelson publishers. The book carries the endorsement of Archbishop Desmond Tutu on the front cover. Tutu, one of the global "Elders," calls the book "perceptive and well-written." The publisher's description of the book reads:
. . . takes readers inside the mind, heart, and soul of presidential hopeful Barack Obama--as a person of faith, as a man, as an American, and possibly as our future commander in chief.
Mansfield, says: "If a man's faith is sincere, it is the most important thing about him, and it is impossible to understand who he is and how he will lead without first understanding the religious vision that informs his life."
According to Mansfield, Obama is "raising the banner of what he hopes will be the faith-based politics of a new generation . . . and he will carry that banner to whatever heights of power his God and the American people allow."
Recently, when Obama was interviewed by Rick Warren, Obama told Warren that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. Yet this "banner" Obama raises is one that has an interspiritual foundation, representing a new kind of "Christianity," one that looks more like Brian McLaren's spirituality than traditional, biblical Christianity.
Mansfield's book addresses the concern many have that Obama may be a closet Muslim, but he dismisses the possibility in the book, saying he was too young to be a "full convert to Islam"(p. 18). But what emerges from this book is a man who is New Age in philosophy, believing that all religions are legitimate paths to God, and all humanity is connected together (spiritually speaking - i.e., God is in all):
Obama does clearly believe that the form of Christianity that he committed to at Trinity Church in 1985 is not the only path to God. "I am rooted in the Christian tradition," he has said. Nevertheless he asserts, "I believe there are many paths to the same place and that is a belief there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." He first saw his broad embrace of faith modeled by his mother. "In our household," he has explained, "The Bible, [t]he Koran, and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf . . . on Easter or Christmas Day my mother might drag me to a church, just as she dragged me to the Buddhist temple, the Chinese New Year celebration, the Shinto shrine, and ancient Hawaiian burial sites." (p.55 of Mansfield's book, quoting from Audacity of Hope, Obama, p. 203).
After his interspiritually-based upbringing, Obama later spent twenty years in a church, which promotes the panenthestic (God in all), interspiritual approach. In a 2006 article in United Church News, Obama stated that the teachings of the UCC (United Church of Christ), of which he was a member (Trinity United Church of Christ) until recently, are "foundation stones for his political work." Just what are those "teachings" comprised of? On Trinity's website, on the Yoga page, the following statement is highlighted:
Within each [of] us is the seed of Divinity. Each Soul is divine. I bow to the divinity in us all!
This is classic Hinduism that teaches that divinity resides in every human being. It is also the message of the New Age movement--man's divinity!
In Obama's own autobiography, Audacity of Hope, he calls himself a "progressive" (i.e., emerging or postmodern) and says: "We need to take faith seriously not simply to block the religious right but to engage all persons of faith in the larger project of American renewal" (p. 216). Echoing the sentiments of Rick Warren (a close friend of Obama, says Warren), he clarifies that partnerships between "religious and secular" will have to be built, and "each side will need to accept some ground rules for collaboration" (p. 216). He adds:
Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers. (p. 218)
Obama insists that to base national "policy" on biblical truths "would be a dangerous thing" to do (p. 220).
There is one sentence in Audacity of Hope that sums up Barack Obama's spirituality. He states:
When I read the Bible, I do so with the belief that it is not a static (stable) text but the Living Word and that I must be continually open to new revelations.(p. 224)
In other words, just as Tony Jones said in his book The New Christians, and just as other emergents consistently say, the truths in the written Word of God, the Bible, are not unchanging and cannot be looked upon as stable or immoveable. "New revelations" can bring about new "truths" . . . truth is fluid.
To be interspiritual (all paths lead to God), to be panentheistic (divinity is in all), to reject God's Word, and to embrace mysticism is to be what Alice Bailey called a rejuvenated Christian, who is one who follows "another gospel" and "another Jesus" (II Corinthians 11:4).
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
For more information go to Lighthouse Trail Research
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Watch out Tiger!
David Flinck sent some of us a link to this video clip. I just had to pass it along here. Very warming and it has a great story line. Be warned, you may want to have some Kleenexes handy.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Prayer Request

Please pray with our church as we are in the process of looking at a facility. It seems right now to be very much out of our reach, but the location and the facility is actually perfect. They are asking an astronomical price considering our size and what we would have to come up with, but we serve a very big God and we are praying that the Lord will give us some help from His people if this is what He would have for our church.
Please pray that the Lord would show Himself strong on our church's behalf and open this door if this is truly His delight.
Friday, July 18, 2008
This verse comes to my mind today, "Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15:10)
My wife just called to tell me that a little boy did in fact trust Christ this week at our 5 Day Club meetings. One sinner. Pray for this little guy. Pray that God will use us to now equip him for the life ahead. Pray that we will be able to lead the rest of his family to a saving knowledge of Christ.
May we rejoice with our great God who finds it to be the greatest news ever, even so that the angels and all of heaven stops and shouts, "Glory!"
My wife just called to tell me that a little boy did in fact trust Christ this week at our 5 Day Club meetings. One sinner. Pray for this little guy. Pray that God will use us to now equip him for the life ahead. Pray that we will be able to lead the rest of his family to a saving knowledge of Christ.
May we rejoice with our great God who finds it to be the greatest news ever, even so that the angels and all of heaven stops and shouts, "Glory!"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Some Campaign Fun
Now there is a disclaimer attached. This is done by a secular group and has some content not exactly "Christian." So...Oh, well! It made me laugh. Sorry if that offends and I guess you might need to just pray for me!
Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Friday, July 11, 2008
Mystery Musings

We are now into our fourth month as citizens of Madison. The church is steady and the Lord is working, but there is always this desire to see God do it faster and with more obvious results.
My wife and I were discussing this late one evening. The reality of God's will is always great, but the revelation of God's plan is somewhat a struggle at times. The reality is we are here and God orchestrated everything. The revelation of God's plan is....well, it sometimes seems hazy, or a bit blurry. What do we have to hope in and to put our confidence in? How do we become certain without hesitation that this is what God wants or even wanted in the first place? How do we proceed from here? What is the next step and will it also afford any clearer answers?
Does God offer us any sort of a guide or platform to stand upon? Does the Bible

Job asked, "Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, And whom God has hedged in?" (Job 3:23) Why do I even have this life if God is going to hide his way from me? For what purpose was I given life if God is going to do these things? "For what I fear comes upon me, And what I dread befalls me. "I am not at ease, nor am I quiet, And I am not at rest, but turmoil comes." (Job 3:25-26)
Maybe you have not felt this way. Perhaps you are in one of those situations of life where all is well with the world and the stars are just aligned perfectly. Choices have come easy, decisions have relatively few nuances, or the path is so clearly laid out there is nothing obscuring the the vision. In some ways I envy you and yet in some other ways, I do not.
I have found that in these times of searching God has truly become more real and relevant to me. I also find that His Word becomes more important; prayer becomes more earnest, and my hunger for His will becomes more pervasive.
David writes, "The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." (Psalms 25:14)
Recently I preached a message about the "fear of the Lord." Solomon reminds us in Proverbs 1:7 that it presents wisdom to those who hold to such an awe and wonder of this great and terrible, majestic, and magnificent God.
The paths of life are measured. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way." (Psalms 37:23) Each step is identified by God for us. Each placement of our foot is weighed and found to be good by God. Good for us and glorious for Him.
So let the clouds roll in and the haze perplex the path. For God declares that I am there! David points out in Psalm 139, the darkness becomes light and the hidden becomes revealed. There is not found on earth or in the sky a place where God is not, and that gives me assurance to His perpetual presence and persistent planning.
As Job was reminded by God, "Then the LORD said to Job, 'Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it.' Then Job answered the LORD and said, 'Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You? I lay my hand on my mouth. Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; Even twice, and I will add nothing more.' Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm and said, 'Now gird up your loins like a man; I will ask you, and you instruct Me. Will you really annul My judgment? Will you condemn Me that you may be justified?'" (Job 40:1-8)
"Then Job answered the LORD and said, 'I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.'" (Job 42:1-6)

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Having a Prayer

Recently I stopped by a local church in our area. Being new to this metropolitan area, I felt it good to meet some of the local ministers. We began with the usual greetings and searchings. In the midst of the conversation we found that we were pretty much on the same page in many respects. The churches we serve in are not of great size, but we are both concerned with reaching our perspective areas.
We shared some of the challenges we had faced in our respective ministries and how the Lord had used those times to refine and challenge our ministries for growth or to reveal areas of true need.
As we were closing our time, I heard one comment he made to me that sort of stopped me in my tracks. "I find that our people get turned off when I say we are going to have a 'prayer meeting.' They will not come if we say we are going to have a 'Prayer meeting.'" Christian people bored, scared, or unconcerned about prayer? Could it be possible? I am not sure if he realized the declaration of his statement. I know it seemed to be a moment of honesty and it did seem to bother him.
I took that thought to our people here. I shared that statement in a very similar

I wonder if God just sits back and frowns. I wonder if HE just slumps HIS shoulders at our lack of enthusiasm to speak with HIM? I really imagine HE grows disappointed with our lack of dependence, our lack of urgency, our lack of humility.
I challenged our people, few though we may be, "Let us pray with all dependence!" We need God to do what only God can do. We need to know His heart and the only way we will know that is to be in His Word and communicating with Him in prayer. The only way we will reach this vast, liberal city is to see a working of God's Spirit.
I think it comes from an Ephesians 3:19 relationship, "filled up to all the fullness of God." As we come with that overflowing cup, then we find that HE is ABLE to DO! To do what? ABUNDANTLY BEYOND ALL that we could even begin to ask for or to even imagine HIM willing, nevertheless capable of doing.
Then the glory is HIS, the Person of our Glorious Christ, our wonderful Savior, is evident and seen. We no longer see us, but only HIM.

Get a handle on Prayer. We have a prayer. But do we come ready for the answer He has for us? Are we open to hear HIS plan, HIS Purpose? Throw out the "list mentality," get rid of your expectations and increase your faith to see what only faith can see, to hope in what God has already pre-determined.
Open the doors,CHURCH! Pray!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Fathers of Integrity

This Sunday is Father's Day and as I am one it sure makes me feel very inadequate. The importance of faithfulness and integrity come to mind as I think of Father' Day this year. My father is and has always been a true man. He taught me to be tough and to stand for myself. He showed me integrity of speech and that honesty is a precious commodity not to be squandered. Ken Love is a man of compassion and a big heart. He is not perfect and would readily admit that, but he always wanted me to know that I was loved, and he had no problem showing it and telling me as much.
My dad has served God for over 50 years now and is still very active in a ministry now outside the U.S. My mother and father are examples of faithfulness in marriage and in service to our great God. I pray that I will be able to say that and that my children will be able to express that about me when they are well gone and on their own. Integrity! A word that expresses my determination to do what I said I would. To keep my word and fulfill my promises.

I like how Tommy Nelson put it, "Reputation is who people think you are, but integrity is who you really are." As I preach, as I father our children, as I minister to my wife and those who come into my life, I pray it is accomplished through integrity. I pray that my heart will be able to stand in honesty before God and those around me and say, "I have done it to the best of my ability, done it according to God's Word, and done it to please and honor HIM and not necessarily you."
I want to live a life of integrity so that my life's legacy is God's glory. I hope my sons will grow up to become better fathers than I have ever been. I hope they will walk lives of honesty and deal with life as God would guide them. But where will they learn that if not through me? Who will teach them if I don't? Praise God for a dad who taught me to trust in our great God. Thank God for a father who demonstrated the ability I could have to trust in my Heavenly FATHER.
As a minister of the Gospel, I was challenged by a quote attributed to Clarence McCartney, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is quoted as saying, "The better the man, the better the preacher. When he kneels by the bed of the dying or when he mounts the pulpit stairs, every self denial he has made, every Christian forbearance he has shown, every resistance to sin and temptation will come back to strengthen his arm and give conviction to his voice. Likewise, every evasion of duty, indulgence of self, every compromise with evil, and every unworthy thought, work, or deed will be there at the head of the pulpit stairs to meet the minister on Sunday morning to take the light from his eyes and the power from his blow and the ring from his voice and the joy from his heart."

If sin has you in a stranglehold, you need to confess it and repent from it and then put your heart's attention back onto the mighty arm of God. Be in God's Word, spend time in prayer, and learn of Him. May we be fathers of integrity. May we be men of honesty and faithfulness to our sons and our daughters. May God fill our hearts with a hunger and a thirst that only His Spirit can fill and satisfy. May we then pass that on to the next generations!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Settling In

Well the boxes are fewer and the days are a bit more routine. Things seem to be settling down as we have made our move and are into the work here in our new ministry. The church is doing well and God has seen fit to bring visitors through our doors each week so far.
One or our prayers was that the Lord would begin to bring mature, Christian families to our church. considering our size I knew we would need people to help shoulder the load and also spread the enthusiasm we have about this great work. The Lord seems to have answered with at least one family so far.
Continue to pray that the Lord will help us reach this city. Over 200,000 souls need to hear the Gospel and we understand that we are just a piece in God's plan. However, we want to take back this city for Christ and truly make Him known.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Up to our Eyeballs
We have begun!.....Let the journey begin!.....The hardest step is the first one!....BROTHER! E-GAD! UGG!
So many cliches and exclamatory phrases come together when one begins this process of packing and thinking about what to keep and what to toss. I must say...the decisions are getting easier the more I get into this. Of course I will not let Kelly see me. No, I have not thrown out anything sentimental or important (to me).
We are finally wrapping up the basement and getting to a measure of control on what we have buried for these past 4 years, but then the real fun of packing up the breakables and everyday things. Kelly is a sport and is getting more and more into the "sport" of packing. We sure are hoping the truck is going to be big enough!
We close on our new home on January 31st. Pray that all the details will be settled and that we will be ready to go on that date. We then have our last Sunday here on February 24. I have the truck coming on Thursday and from there it is a mad dash to load and head out for WI. Pray for safety in packing and travelling. Kelly will be driving with the three little guys.
We are very excited about what the Lord is going to do. For sure we know it will be Him and most certainly not us. After closing we will try to put some additional pictures on the blogs to let those of you who care see what it has for an interior.
Audios for now! (For all those missionary friends learning Spanish like David.)
So many cliches and exclamatory phrases come together when one begins this process of packing and thinking about what to keep and what to toss. I must say...the decisions are getting easier the more I get into this. Of course I will not let Kelly see me. No, I have not thrown out anything sentimental or important (to me).
We are finally wrapping up the basement and getting to a measure of control on what we have buried for these past 4 years, but then the real fun of packing up the breakables and everyday things. Kelly is a sport and is getting more and more into the "sport" of packing. We sure are hoping the truck is going to be big enough!
We close on our new home on January 31st. Pray that all the details will be settled and that we will be ready to go on that date. We then have our last Sunday here on February 24. I have the truck coming on Thursday and from there it is a mad dash to load and head out for WI. Pray for safety in packing and travelling. Kelly will be driving with the three little guys.
We are very excited about what the Lord is going to do. For sure we know it will be Him and most certainly not us. After closing we will try to put some additional pictures on the blogs to let those of you who care see what it has for an interior.
Audios for now! (For all those missionary friends learning Spanish like David.)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A Clip of Worship
Came across this from FaithVisuals, and thought I would share it. Seems to have some necessary ingredients for our day and how we approach this aspect of the "worship service." Click on the link here.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Back Again
August? Hard to believe that it has been so long ago, but I guess this is my world of thoughts and if anyone other than myself is reading this, then, all I can say is, "I am back!" Now we will have to see for how long.
I know we have been on this little discourse about Eternal Security, but I am going to go away for a moment and just catch up with my own thoughts as to where I am these days.
As a family we are soon to move to another ministry come March. The Lord has seen fit to move us from our place here in Nebraska to a ministry in Wisconsin. Sometimes I would love to think that the Lord would have me in a much warmer environment, but I guess we are destined to hang around the arctic regions of this great country. Proverbs 3:5, 6 keep coming up as an age old principle of God's direction and our need as well as our ability to "Trust in the Lord." God has certainly been doing some great things to confirm that this is His will and not our pushing or pulling to have our way.
When we set out as a family to determine if God was certainly moving us from our place here, I was praying that the Lord would establish it within the heart of my wife as well. I was so concerned that Kelly be certain and very connected to this decision. The past few places we have served it has been really more my call and her willingness. This time I was asking the Lord to seal it sure within her heart and let it be her coming to terms with the way the Lord was working as much as in my heart.
I can still remember the night that Kelly and I were on our knees praying about this new opportunity and us both in tears just asking the Lord for wisdom. After we got up she turned to me and said, "Let's go!" Wow!
The other aspect was a place to live. We have lived in a parsonage ever since coming to Nebraska and we had no idea if we even could get a loan or if we could even afford the housing market we were going into. Every time we have attempted to get into the market, it has always been a bit out of reach. So, we went and followed a realtor around for a few hours. Found some places that were really to far away from our church. We were just afraid that we would not be able to host people in our home and be able to offer an important part of our ministry, hospitality. We found one house about 30 minutes away and in need of some repair, but Kelly and I both just had no peace about making any offer on it.
We came home a bit discouraged, and yet we both knew that if the Lord wanted us in this place that He was going to work it all out. On January 6, 2008, I officially resigned as pastor of our church. It was very difficult. And yet in many ways, I find that God is ready to move here as well as in our move to Wisconsin. The morning of that Sunday, our realtor emailed a MLS sheet of a house in the area where we were hoping to find a home. The problem is that these homes are several thousands of dollars above our range. However, this one was in foreclosure and had been marked down "several thousands of dollars" below even the assessed price. I called Kelly and told her to look at it right away. Right then and there I knew that it was the one. Yeah, right! I hoped, but I figured that by the time we actually got back up there to look it would be gone. I know....."Oh ye of little faith."
Kelly and I planned a trip up to the area we are going to live and we set up an appointment to look at nearly 20 homes. We were determined to look and find our home in one day. We knew now what we could afford and so we set out. This house from the email was in our list. It was still on the market. No offers had been made and we were going to get to see it.
We looked at probably 5-6 houses before we got to it. Then, as soon as we walked in, Kelly and I both knew that this was our home. It gives me chills! We put in an offer still lower than what the bank had it listed for. We know that we were going to get it though. Yeah, right! We still didn't understand that God was truly working on our behalf. We got a counter offer that night and we countered yet again. The problem was that we didn't get it into them in time before they closed, so we had to wait all night until 10:00 the next morning. Our realtor, by the way here name is Angel, called and confirmed that we were accepted! We could hardly believe it. Oh, God is so Good! Can you taste it?
To imagine that He would consider me and my family! It does the bank of faith good to see the handiwork of God. It does our hearts good to know that He truly answers prayer. It does our children good to hear that God works and here is proof. We close the 31st and will move in on March 1. May God be praised!
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books
I know we have been on this little discourse about Eternal Security, but I am going to go away for a moment and just catch up with my own thoughts as to where I am these days.
As a family we are soon to move to another ministry come March. The Lord has seen fit to move us from our place here in Nebraska to a ministry in Wisconsin. Sometimes I would love to think that the Lord would have me in a much warmer environment, but I guess we are destined to hang around the arctic regions of this great country. Proverbs 3:5, 6 keep coming up as an age old principle of God's direction and our need as well as our ability to "Trust in the Lord." God has certainly been doing some great things to confirm that this is His will and not our pushing or pulling to have our way.
When we set out as a family to determine if God was certainly moving us from our place here, I was praying that the Lord would establish it within the heart of my wife as well. I was so concerned that Kelly be certain and very connected to this decision. The past few places we have served it has been really more my call and her willingness. This time I was asking the Lord to seal it sure within her heart and let it be her coming to terms with the way the Lord was working as much as in my heart.
I can still remember the night that Kelly and I were on our knees praying about this new opportunity and us both in tears just asking the Lord for wisdom. After we got up she turned to me and said, "Let's go!" Wow!
The other aspect was a place to live. We have lived in a parsonage ever since coming to Nebraska and we had no idea if we even could get a loan or if we could even afford the housing market we were going into. Every time we have attempted to get into the market, it has always been a bit out of reach. So, we went and followed a realtor around for a few hours. Found some places that were really to far away from our church. We were just afraid that we would not be able to host people in our home and be able to offer an important part of our ministry, hospitality. We found one house about 30 minutes away and in need of some repair, but Kelly and I both just had no peace about making any offer on it.
We came home a bit discouraged, and yet we both knew that if the Lord wanted us in this place that He was going to work it all out. On January 6, 2008, I officially resigned as pastor of our church. It was very difficult. And yet in many ways, I find that God is ready to move here as well as in our move to Wisconsin. The morning of that Sunday, our realtor emailed a MLS sheet of a house in the area where we were hoping to find a home. The problem is that these homes are several thousands of dollars above our range. However, this one was in foreclosure and had been marked down "several thousands of dollars" below even the assessed price. I called Kelly and told her to look at it right away. Right then and there I knew that it was the one. Yeah, right! I hoped, but I figured that by the time we actually got back up there to look it would be gone. I know....."Oh ye of little faith."
Kelly and I planned a trip up to the area we are going to live and we set up an appointment to look at nearly 20 homes. We were determined to look and find our home in one day. We knew now what we could afford and so we set out. This house from the email was in our list. It was still on the market. No offers had been made and we were going to get to see it.
We looked at probably 5-6 houses before we got to it. Then, as soon as we walked in, Kelly and I both knew that this was our home. It gives me chills! We put in an offer still lower than what the bank had it listed for. We know that we were going to get it though. Yeah, right! We still didn't understand that God was truly working on our behalf. We got a counter offer that night and we countered yet again. The problem was that we didn't get it into them in time before they closed, so we had to wait all night until 10:00 the next morning. Our realtor, by the way here name is Angel, called and confirmed that we were accepted! We could hardly believe it. Oh, God is so Good! Can you taste it?
To imagine that He would consider me and my family! It does the bank of faith good to see the handiwork of God. It does our hearts good to know that He truly answers prayer. It does our children good to hear that God works and here is proof. We close the 31st and will move in on March 1. May God be praised!
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