Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We need it!

I was reading a blog that was passed along to me by a friend and on this blog he gave 10 things that I can pray for my pastor's preaching. I found it great!

I pass it along to you and will be passing it on to the church people to whom I minister. I need these things to prayed for me and in turn my people need to put thought into interacting with the messages. We have too many pew warmers and too many lifeless pulpit speakers. If we could get both sides to be vibrant and astute to the goings on each Sunday God just might visit our services with authority and power.

May we be more enthusiastic for prayer on both sides of the platform!


I know that some will view this as a shortcoming in self-promotion and self-esteem issues, but it does have a cute and interesting twist. I think everyone wants to feel validated, to find purpose and especially as a Christian, I am to elevate and encourage my fellow believers.

I wanted to save this clip for myself and thought I would blog it to do so. I guess I am a romantic at heart. It is about 16 minutes in length, so view it when you find time.

Film Description as given: A short film about the magic of looking for the best in people. This movie has played at 34 film festivals worldwide and won 17 awards.

Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out

The following short film illustrates the calamity of greed. It also illustrates the old adage that God's Word gives us..."Be sure your sins will find you out." (Numbers 32:23)