I remember as a boy reading the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of one of literature's most unique characters, Sherlock Holmes. I loved the discoveries and the plot's thickening, and all that went into foiling the plans of wicked men and revealing their deeds of evil. Things so obscured and hidden to dear Dr. Watson and the others in the cases were so readily seen and observed by our beloved Mr. Holmes.
We are now into our fourth month as citizens of Madison. The church is steady and the Lord is working, but there is always this desire to see God do it faster and with more obvious results.
My wife and I were discussing this late one evening. The reality of God's will is always great, but the revelation of God's plan is somewhat a struggle at times. The reality is we are here and God orchestrated everything. The revelation of God's plan is....well, it sometimes seems hazy, or a bit blurry. What do we have to hope in and to put our confidence in? How do we become certain without hesitation that this is what God wants or even wanted in the first place? How do we proceed from here? What is the next step and will it also afford any clearer answers?
Does God offer us any sort of a guide or platform to stand upon? Does the Bible

offer us a grid to lay down and build within? Does the work of God revolve around just a vague path stretched out ahead of us with only the next step clear to the eyes?
Job asked,
"Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden, And whom God has hedged in?" (Job 3:23) Why do I even have this life if God is going to hide his way from me? For what purpose was I given life if God is going to do these things?
"For what I fear comes upon me, And what I dread befalls me. "I am not at ease, nor am I quiet, And I am not at rest, but turmoil comes." (Job 3:25-26)
Maybe you have not felt this way. Perhaps you are in one of those situations of life where all is well with the world and the stars are just aligned perfectly. Choices have come easy, decisions have relatively few nuances, or the path is so clearly laid out there is nothing obscuring the the vision. In some ways I envy you and yet in some other ways, I do not.
I have found that in these times of searching God has truly become more real and relevant to me. I also find that His Word becomes more important; prayer becomes more earnest, and my hunger for His will becomes more pervasive.
David writes,
"The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant." (Psalms 25:14)
Recently I preached a message about the "fear of the Lord." Solomon reminds us in Proverbs 1:7 that it presents wisdom to those who hold to such an awe and wonder of this great and terrible, majestic, and magnificent God.
The paths of life are measured.
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way." (Psalms 37:23) Each step is identified by God for us. Each placement of our foot is weighed and found to be good by God. Good for us and glorious for Him.
So let the clouds roll in and the haze perplex the path. For God declares that I am there! David points out in Psalm 139, the darkness becomes light and the hidden becomes revealed. There is not found on earth or in the sky a place where God is not, and that gives me assurance to His perpetual presence and persistent planning.
As Job was reminded by God,
"Then the LORD said to Job, 'Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it.' Then Job answered the LORD and said, 'Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You? I lay my hand on my mouth. Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; Even twice, and I will add nothing more.' Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm and said, 'Now gird up your loins like a man; I will ask you, and you instruct Me. Will you really annul My judgment? Will you condemn Me that you may be justified?'" (Job 40:1-8)
"Then Job answered the LORD and said, 'I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear, now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.'" (Job 42:1-6)

May we be humbled when we balk at God's measuring of our steps. May we be willing to "retract" our presumptions when we come to "see with our eyes" this great God who does hear us and knows our frame, and takes an invested interest in our lives. May it cause us to fall completely in all humility and declare, "I AM NOT GOD!" But, I know Him and He is real to me. May the next step be revealed and the path be lit, and the glory of His plan become our goal for life.