Although this is by no means a new debate or one that is fresh on the horizon of theological consternations, the issue of eternal security has been hitting me and some of my church members rather hard over the past few months.
I am amazed at the differing views this postion holds. Some would say that resident sin in one's life can lead to a "losing of one's salvation." Others would argue that God would never allow that to happen, but you can choose when to walk away from your faith. You and I have the power to renounce our faith and leave God's care, so they would argue.
Now on the other end of the spectrum are those who would say that once saved, you are always saved. Of course that is what I would agree with, but what of these statements.
Now again, I know that there are books written on this topic, but apparently those books are not being read by many well meaning believers. Just this past week at our annual "crusade to win the children of our community," or as most these days call it, VBS, a child came up to our missionary speaker and asked him what was salvation. David Flinck, missionary appointee to Chile, proceded to explain what God required for forgiveness of sin. The boy quickly responded that he asked God to forgive him every time he went to church. I was then speaking with the boy after one of the sessions and his mother came in to hear the discussion. Her affirmation was that God would never kick us out of His family, but we could leave the family. We have the choice to leave if we so choose, but God will always be there to welcome us back.
The greatest question I have for such statements is "where in Scripture do we read that?" Many run to Hebrews and into the Gospels, but many do not read these passages through with such interpretations.
Over the next few weeks, I want to "ramble" some thoughts down on this topic of eternally insecure. If you have any leading thoughts or questions I will do my best to interact. However, the greatest resource would be for comments on passages of Scripture that people (perhaps youself) use to come to such a conclusion that one can lose salvation or "fall from the faith" to such a point that eternal security is in question.